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Pfizer Sued After Dog Dies From Rimadyl Toxicity

A controversy over a painkiller for dogs may be bubbling up again. A Colorado couple have filed a lawsuit against Pfizer for allegedly failing to adequately warn that its Rimadyl med, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, can cause severe harm. The issue mirrors the substance of a class-action lawsuit brought in 1999 by hundreds of […]

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Google to Pay $500 Million in FDA Investigation of Pharmacy Ads Settlement

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched an investigation against Google in 2009 regarding whether the search leader knowingly accepted pharmacy ads online that were illegal. But Google is now paying a hefty sum in order to settle these allegations. According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), shipping prescriptions to the United States from […]

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Biotech Dismisses CEO After An Internal Probe

They say that numbers tell a story. Well, after the stock market closed today, Oxygen Biotherapeutics disclosed that ceo Chris Stern was dismissed for cause in connection with an investigation by the board of directors audit committee. As a result, he will not be paid any severance package, according to a filing with the US […]

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FDA Is Petitioned To Add Black Boxes For PPIs

The widely used class of drug known as proton pump inhibitors that are used to treat acid reflux can cause dependency and, therefore, are likely to increase various serious risks, some of which are not specified in product labeling, according to Public Citizen. And so the consumer watchdog is petitioning the FDA to upgrade labeling […]

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Takeda Wants To Buy A Big Indian Drugmaker

In a bid to broaden its global reach, Takeda Pharmaceuticals is holding talks with two of India’s biggest drugmakers – Cipla and Lupin – both of which are large providers of generic meds, according to reports. The move underscores the ongoing desire among brand-name drugmakers to gain market share in the large Indian market as […]

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Drug Rep Arrested, Charged With Stealing Pills From Pharmacy

New Webinar Oct. 12 – Avoid FDA Recall Nightmares – Update from FDA Branch Chief for CDRH Recalls A Fort Smith pharmaceuticals salesman was arrested Monday and charged with theft of a controlled substance from a building, police said. Robert Douglas Wyatt was arrested Monday afternoon at National Family Pharmacy, on Dodson Avenue in Fort […]

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$100,000 Cancer Drug?

When is a drug overpriced? The issue has come up repeatedly as various biologics treating cancer and assorted chronic conditions carry price tags in the tens of thousands of dollars. The debate was particularly vociferous last year when the Provenge prostate cancer vaccine was priced at $93,000 (read here). Now, a new entrant may become […]

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Most Drug Ads Did Not Follow FDA Guidelines

Last year, the FDA acknowledged the difficulty in policing advertisements aimed at healthcare professionals and consumers by creating its ‘Bad Ad’ program, which the agency recently maintained is having a positive effect. But just how bad were pharmaceutical ads before the FDA launched this program? To gain some clarity, researchers examined 192 pharmaceutical ads that […]

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Former Employee Cripples Shionogi Computers

Last year, Jason Cornish resigned from his information tech job at Shionogi offices in Georgia after a dispute with a senior manager. However, he was subsequently retained as a consultant at the urging of another employee, who happened to be a long-standing friend. But last September, he again resigned. And then his friend was laid […]

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Antibacterial Chemical Raises Safety Issues

The maker of Dial Complete hand soap says that it kills more germs than any other brand. But is it safe? That question has federal regulators, consumer advocates and soap manufacturers locked in a battle over the active ingredient in Dial Complete and many other antibacterial soaps, a chemical known as triclosan. The Food and […]

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